WOD 2.28.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. As many reps as possible in 5 minutes:
Muscle Up
B. 4 rounds for max reps:
1 Min Dumbbell Snatch 70/45LB
1 Min Ring Row
1 Min L-Sit

WOD 2.27.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Work up to a heavy
Squat Snatch
B. “Air Force”
For time:
20 Thruster 43/30KG
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 43/30KG
20 Push Jerk 43/30KG
20 Overhead Squat 43/30KG
20 Front Squat 43/30KG

WOD 2.26.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Bench Press
B. 4 rounds for time:
21 Deadlift 70/47KG
15 Pull Up
9 Ring Dip

WOD 2.25.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Back Squat
B. 10 rounds for max reps:
In 1 minute:
7 Toes to Bar
Max Rep Box Jump 24/20”

WOD 2.24.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
Open 18.1
Kickoff Event

WOD 2.23.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Superset
Shoulder Press
GHD Sit Up
B. For time:
2 Thruster 61/43KG
200M Run
4 Thruster 61/43KG
200M Run
6 Thruster 61/43KG
200M Run
8 Thruster 61/43KG

WOD 2.22.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Every minute for 10 minutes:
1 Snatch Pull @ 110% 1RM Snatch
B. 3 rounds for time:
20/14 Cal Row
20 Kettlebell Snatch 1.5/1P
20 Pull Up

WOD 2.21.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Overhead Squat
B. For time:
50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
Double Under
Sit Up
15 minute time cap.

WOD 2.20.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Work up to a heavy
Clean & Jerk
B. For time:
5 Rope Climb
5 Clean & Jerk 65/52KG
4 Rope Climb
4 Clean & Jerk 75/57KG
3 Rope Climb
3 Clean & Jerk 84/61KG
2 Rope Climb
2 Clean & Jerk…

WOD 2.18.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Bent Row
B. 4 rounds for time:
20 Sec Ring Support
15 Pull Up
10 Box Jump 36/30”