WOD 6.12.20

A. Tabata Hollow Rock Arch Rock Single Leg Wall Sit, right Single Leg Wall Sit, left 8 rounds, 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Cycle through each movement until you have competed all 8 rounds. B. As many rounds as…

WOD 6.11.20

A. 5 rounds for quality: 10 Single Leg Romanian Deadlift 10 Lat Pull Over or Max Effort Strict Pull Up 30 Russian Twist B. For time: 21-15-9 reps of: Box Jump 24/20" Thruster 43/30KG Then, 21-15-9 reps of: Box Jump…

WOD 6.10.20

A. For time: 50 Turkish Get Up 10 minute time cap. B. 4 cycles: In 3 minutes, perform an AMRAP of: 3 Power Clean 4 Burpee 12 Double Under Rest 1 minute between cycles.

The Cave's Response to Comments From Glassman

Our world is in a major state of change. The pandemic coupled with the current protests against systemic racism have forced our country to look deeply at itself and hopefully change for the better. As a company we generally do not issue statements…

WOD 6.9.20

A. 5 rounds: 30 Seconds Front Rack Lunge 30 Seconds Rest 30 Seconds Push Press 30 Seconds Rest B. As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 10 Push Up 15 Sit Up 20 Squat 20 Push Up 30 Sit Up 40 Squat 30 Push Up 45…

WOD 6.8.20

A. 5 rounds: 30 Seconds Deadlift 30 Seconds Deadlift Hold 30 Seconds Rest 1 Minute Plank 30 Seconds Rest B. 5 rounds for time: 20 Dumbbell Snatch, alternating 12 Pull Up

WOD 6.7.20

A. 5 rounds for load and reps: 30 Seconds Split Snatch 30 Seconds Rest 30 Seconds V-up 30 Seconds Rest B. For time: 30 Lateral Burpee Over Barbell 30 Bear Complex 30 Lateral Burpee Over Barbell 1 Bear Complex = 1 Power…

WOD 6.6.20

5 cycles: In 3 minutes, perform an AMRAP of: 2 Devils Press 4 Renegade Row 12 Double Under or Lateral Jump Over Dumbbells

WOD 6.5.20

A. 5 rounds: 30 Seconds Back Squat 30 Second Rest 30 Seconds Handstand Hold 30 Seconds Rest B. 10 rounds for max reps: In 1 minute, perform: 5 Handstand Push Up 8 Power Clean Max Rep Burpee Rest 1 minute between…

WOD 6.4.20

A. Tabata Arch Hold Straddle Side Plank, Right Supine Straight Leg Bridge Straddle Side Plank, Left 8 rounds, 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Cycle through each movement until you have competed all 8 rounds. B. For…