WOD 3.1.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Superset
Bench Press
GHD Sit Up
5 x 10-25 reps
B. As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
3 Overhead Squat 52/35KG
30 Double Under
6 Overhead Squat
30 Double Under
9 Overhead Squat
30 Double Under

WOD 2.28.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy:
Turkish Get Up, Triple
B. For time:
400M Run
15 Deadlift 102/70KG
15 Handstand Push Up
400M Run
12 Deadlift
12 Handstand Push Up
400M Run
9 Deadlift
9 Handstand Push Up
400M Run

WOD 2.27.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. 3 sets for max weight:
1 Bear Complex
Perform 7 rounds of:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Back Rack Push Press
B. 6 rounds for time:
15 Wall Ball 20/14LB, 10/9FT
10 Toes to Bar

WOD 2.26.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Work up to a heavy
100FT Farmers Carry
B. "Crossfit Games Open 12.2"
As many reps as possible in 10 minutes:
30 Snatch 34/20KG
30 Snatch 61/34KG
30 Snatch 75/45KG
Max Rep Snatch 95/55KG

WOD 2.25.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Bearhug Sandbag Carry
5 x 100M
B. 4 rounds for time:
400M Run
5 Muscle Up
Compare to June 8, 2019.

WOD 2.24.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Establish 1 Rep Max
Overhead Squat
B. For time:
100 Double Under
21 Front Squat 52/35KG
21 Push Press 52/35KG
100 Double Under
15 Front Squat
15 Push Press
100 Double Under
9 Front Squat
9 Push Press

WOD 2.23.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Every minute for 10 minutes:
1 Rope Climb
Choose a modification that you can sustain every round.
B. 3 rounds for time:
30 Kettlebell Swing 1.5/1P
21 Burpee
12 Chest to Bar Pull Up

WOD 2.22.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Every minute for 8 minutes:
3 Power Clean and Jerk @ 75% 1 Rep Max
B. "CrossFit Games Open 12.2"
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
9 Deadlift 70/45KG
12 Push Up
15 Box Jump 24/20"

WOD 2.21.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Superset
Front Squat
5 x 20 Seconds
B. For time:
10 Pistol
20 Double Under
20 Pistol
40 Double Under
30 Pistol
60 Double Under
40 Pistol
80 Double Under
50 Pistol
100 Double Under
15 minute…

WOD 2.20.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Split Snatch
B. For time:
400M Run
40 Dumbbell Snatch, alternating 50/35LB
200M Run
20 Dumbbell Snatch
100M Run
10 Dumbbell Snatch