The Original "Nasty Girls"
UncategorizedSome of you did the workout “Nasty Girls” last Thursday. You may be wondering where that came from and why it’s called “Nasty Girls”. Here are the original “Nasty Girls” from old CrossFit headquarters in Santa Cruz:
That was…
One Bite At A Time
UncategorizedRoger and I talk about nutrition all the time. And for good reason! What you eat directly affects what you can do, how well you recover and how well your body makes gains. It’s also the hardest part of fitness. Let me say that again, it’s…
Thanksgiving Feasting
UncategorizedI was not aware that Nick was going to be doing a nutrition post yesterday, but it is timed extremely well for this post to be a follow up. We’re going to talk about approaching the copious volumes of available food over the next few days…
Flying Kettlebells?
UncategorizedThink for a minute about the human resources available at CFM. This crazy little gym really packs it in. It’s a little gold mine of talent. Among these star trainers we have a kid who’s barely not a teenager any more named Ben Herwitz. …