Flying Kettlebells?

Think for a minute about the human resources available at CFM.  This crazy little gym really packs it in.  It’s a little gold mine of talent.  Among these star trainers we have a kid who’s barely not a teenager any more named Ben Herwitz.  Ben LOVES to train.   He does so almost every single day and he’s always doing research on different training modalities and programing on his own time, when he’s not negotiating with his mom as to what Ivy League college he should be transfering to.  When he was in high school, he would never take a rest day because he didn’t realize that he needed them.  Also, he constantly challenges me to workouts, especially when I feel like napping.  Last weekend, Ben attended an Olympic lifting meet in Sacramento and established two new PR’s.  He snatched 78kg, clean & jerked 105kg and cleaned 107kg with a failed jerk if I’m not mistaken and his potential is much, much higher.  Lately Ben has created his own blog titled   Ben intends to follow his own tailor made 12 week programing to be able to dunk a basketball, running start permitted, as well as have a 200kg Olympic lifting total (ergo, an 85kg snatch plus a 115kg clean & jerk would get him there).  His blog and programing is rather amazing.  This kid even takes showers in rounds and sets, although I’m not sure how enthusiastic I am for the “contrast showers” at least for myself, although I think I’m going to make them mandatory for the rest of the gym.  Hehe.  Here are a couple of pictures of Ben in action:

In short, Ben is quite the stud, and you really should check out his blog.  I even know a couple of CFM cuties that obviously have a crush on him and he’s completely clueless about it, and by the way, have you ever noticed that the kid looks like Edward Cullen from Twilight?  That’s instant game right there.  HHaaa! =D