Skill Development and Scalability

These two photos show improvement within one session. Yeah this was on the same day. If we focus in, and really work on mechanics we can see remarkable improvement in a short time. We still look for small improvements over the long term to reach the big goals, but focusing on performing each movement as well as we can will lead to big results.

This workout was a pairing of Majorie Davis (Andres’ mom) and Jason Zaro. Marjorie has only done CrossFit a couple of times, and Jason is a firebreather. Yet they were able to work out side by side in the same workout, scaled differently of course, and both got in a great workout, and both worked at their capacity. This scaleability is what will ensure a steady progress from where you are today, to beyond what you thought was possible. We love this factor of CrossFit.

We have had many people say to us “I need to get in shape before I come workout with you”. We find this statement a little bit absurd. Coming to the gym during a session with anybody that has been coming in for a while can be intimidating at first. Understand that most of the people you see throwing large loads around, and blasting through workouts started off with us at nowhere near their current capacity. These workouts are litteraly scaleable to anyone. The only pre-requisite is a willingness to work hard and be consistent.