Reflections On Memorial Day

I hope everyone took some time yesterday to reflect on the point of the holiday. It is to remember those who have sacrificed greatly so that we can live the life that we do. We live in a society that provides massive opportunity to anyone who has the motive to make something of themselves. We truly live in a land of plenty where our concept of poor would be considered wealthy in most of the world. The history that has led to this is riddled with conflict, we owe a tremendous debt to the men and women who have made life as we know it possible.

Do not take for granted the sacrifices of those who don’t know you, but fight for an ideal. Whether you agree with the politics behind current conflicts or not, honor the people who must put themselves at risk to fulfill the mission given to them. CrossFit has named many workouts after fallen soldiers. Here is a complete list:

Take a look and remember.