5K Run Assignment

Everyone has an assignment. Sometime in the next two weeks you are going to do a 5K run. I have mapped several around the gym using Gmaps Pedometer: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/. This is a great tool for determining distances.

Route 1: Just run around our wetlands about 3.5 times. Start at our door, circle the wetlands 3.5 times and end next to the baseball field.


Route 2: Out to Town Park, circling up Tamalpias Drive and back with one lap around the school track.


Route 3: Out to the levee and around.


Complete one of these routes, or a route of your design. Record your time and bring it in including your route choice or let us know if you did your own route. We will be registering everyone’s times. This is required for everyone without medical reasons not to. This must be completed by August 15. Have a great run.