WOD 11.21.20
CrossFit, WOD
A. Work up to a heavy
Squat Snatch
B. 4 rounds for time:
20 Power Snatch 43/30KG
50 Double Under
Courtesy of crossfit.com
WOD 11.20.20
CrossFit, WOD
A. Push Press
B. For time:
50 Dumbbell Hang Clean
50 Dumbbell Push Press
50 Renegade Row
50 Burpee
Perform with a pair of 50/35LB Dumbbells.
15 minute time cap.
WOD 11.19.20
CrossFit, WOD
A. Back Squat
B. 3 rounds for time:
400M Run
21 Goblet Squat
12 Dumbbell Snatch, alternating
Perform with a 70/50LB Dumbbell
WOD 11.18.20
CrossFit, WOD
A. Every minute for 10 minutes:
Rope Climb
Pick a number of reps and/or a modification that you can sustain for all 10 minutes:
B. For time:
33-27-21-15-9 reps of:
Box Jump 24/20"
Push Up
WOD 11.17.20
CrossFit, WOD
A. 4 rounds for max weight:
Horsepower Complex
Complete 7 unbroken sets of:
1 Snatch Deadlift
1 Hang Power Snatch
1 Overhead Squat
1 Back Squat
1 Wide Grip Behind the Neck Push Jerk
B. As many rounds as possible in 8…
Changes to Marin's Operation Orders
NewsAs you have likely heard, Marin County is pre-emptively restricting some businesses due to a spike in Covid-19 cases. There is a large increase in cases happening throughout the country, and there is some increase in Marin, though the increase…
WOD 11.16.20
CrossFit, WOD
A. With a 19 minute clock:
3 Min AMRAP:
20 Double Under
5 Burpee
Rest 1 Minute
3 Min AMRAP:
5 Power Clean 61/43KG
10 V-Up
Rest 1 Minute
3 Min AMRAP:
4 Push Press 61/43KG
12 Lateral Jump Over Barbell
Rest 1 Minute
WOD 11.15.20
CrossFit, WOD
A. Split Jerk
B. For time:
35 Box Jump 24/20"
30 Double Kettlebell Front Rack
Box Step Over 1/.75P, 24/20"
25 Box Jump
20 Double Kettlebell Front Rack
Box Step Over
15 Box Jump
10 Double Kettlebell Front Rack
WOD 11.14.20
CrossFit, WOD
A. Deadlift
B. 6 rounds for time:
15 Dumbbell Deadlift
10 Dumbbell Push Press
5 Devils Press
Perfrom with a pair of Dumbbells 50/35LB.
12 minute time cap.
Standard Classes vs. Pod Classes
Gymnastics, News, Parkour
Interested in setting up a pod class at the Cave? We do offer closed classes for pods in Gymnastics, Parkour, and Youth Strength and Conditioning. Here are some more details:
We offer both indoor and outdoor pod classes (depending…