WOD 6.22.21

A. Every minute for 6 minutes: 3 Squat Clean Perform at 70% 1RM Squat Clean. B. As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 10 Chest to Bar Pull Up 15 Push Up 20 Pistol, alternating Every 3 rounds, perform a 400M Run. Courtesy…

WOD 6.21.21

A. For time: 4 Rope Climb 16 Push Press 70/48KG 3 Rope Climb 12 Push Press 2 Rope Climb 8 Push Press 7 minute time cap. B. 4 rounds for max reps: With a 3 minute clock, perform: 500M Row Max Rep Double Under Rest…

Independence Day Closure

Hi there Cave Community, The Cave will be closed on Saturday, July 4th, 2020 in observance of Independence Day. All classes and activities will be cancelled for the day.

WOD 6.20.21

B. Superset Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 Ring Support 5 x 15 seconds B. 3 rounds for time: 400M Run 5 Power Clean 4 Hang Squat Clean 3 Jerk Perform with a 61/43KG barbell.

WOD 6.19.21

A. Partner Workout For time: 400M Med Ball Relay In teams of 2 athletes. Athlete A passes the med ball to Athlete B. Athlete B performs a Meb Ball Burpee while Athlete A runs past Athlete B and awaits the med ball. Athlete…

WOD 6.18.21

A. Work up to a heavy Turkish Get Up, each arm B. For time: 25 Burpee Then, 40-30-20-10 reps of: Kettlebell Swing 1.5/1P Push Up Then, 25 Burpee 15 minute time cap.

WOD 6.17.21

A. Superset Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2 Strict Pull Up 2-2-2-2-2 B. With a 10 minute clock: 1000M Row Then, in remaining time, perform an AMRAP of: 7 Thruster 43/30KG 7 Pull Up

WOD 6.16.21

A. Farmer's Carry 5 x 100FT B. As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes: 3 Hang Power Snatch 61/43KG 6 Burpee Box Jump 24/20 Compare to June 7, 2019.

WOD 6.15.21

A. Superset Dip 5-5-5-5-5 GHD Sit Up 10-10-10-10-10 B. "Karen" For time: 150 Wall Balls 20/14LB, 10/9FT

WOD 6.14.21

A. Establish 1 Rep Max Clean and Jerk B. "Diane" 21-15-9 reps of: Deadlift 102/70KG Handstand Push Up