WOD 9.1.24

A. For Time Accumulate 1:00 Freestanding Handstand Hold 100M Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry 1.5/1P 50 Double Kettlebell Push Press 1..5/1P 100' Single Kettlebell Overhead Walking Lunge 1.5/1P Accumulate 1:00 Plank Hold –…

WOD 8.31.24

Partner Workout "Laura" With A Partner, Complete As Many Rounds As Possible In 21 Minutes Of... 30 Row Calories 20 Burpee Over Rower 10 Power Cleans 70/47kg – Partners Divide Work As Desired  

Halloween Hours

Hi Cave Community, Boo! It's almost Halloween! 👻🎃 The Cave will be closed on Thursday, October 31 from 5:30 p.m. on. All scheduled classes in all disciplines after 5:30 p.m. will be cancelled. (Go on and have the sweet. You…

WOD 8.30.24

A. For Time 30 Russian Kettlebell Swing 1.5/1P 150 Double Under 30 Russian Kettlebell Swing 150 Double Under 30 Russian Kettlebell Swing B. For Load Alternating Turkish Get-up 6-6-6-6-6-6 - 1 Minute Rest Between Sets -…

WOD 8.29.24

A. For Rounds 15 MInute AMRAP 200M Run 10 Handstand Push-up 15 Wall Ball 20/14#, 10/9' B. For Quality 5 Rounds :20 Heavy Object Hold At Chest :10 Rest :20 Plank Up-down :10 Rest  

WOD 8.28.24

A. For Load EMOM x 15 Minutes 1 Power Snatch Build In Load Every 3:00 B. For Time 21-15-9 Reps Of... Hang Power Snatch 52/34 Box Jump 24/20" 9 Minute Time Cap  

WOD 8.27.24

For Time 4 Rounds 10 PIstol Squat 20 Pull-up 30 Push-up 1KM Bike or 500M Row or 500M Ski  

WOD 8.26.24

A. For Load CrossFit Total 1RM Back Squat 1RM Shoulder Press 1RM Deadlift – 10:00 MInutes Each Lift Compare To April 13, 2015 B. For Quality "What Up Bro? What Up Brah?" 3 Rounds 8 Arnold Press 10 Laying…

Closed for USAG Congress Event

The 2024 USA Gymnastics National Congress and Trade Show is scheduled this Friday-Sunday, August 23-25 in San Jose, CA. Many of our gymnastics coaches will be attending in order to improve upon our program. Note ALL gymnastics classes…

WOD 8.25.24

A. For Time 25 Burpee 50 Sit-up 25 Burpee 50 Sit-up 25 Burpee – Every 2:00, Including Start Of Workout, Perform 10 Air Squat B. For Quality 2:00 L-sit (accumulate) 60 Seated Leg Raises Over Dumbbell 50 Dumbbell Glute…