
Coordination is the eighth physical skill we are detailing. Coordination is the ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement. One who is highly coordinated will be more efficient in all movement because they are able to apply force in the right direction at the right time.

Coordination requires practice. This is one of the reasons we teach you to juggle. Learning to juggle improves coordination and peripheral awareness. Learning any skill which requires distinct movements with different body parts will improve coordination. When initially learning these skills you will feel completely inadequate to do them. It will seem that acquiring the skill is simply out of reach, but know that with practice you will learn, and that learning will have cross over benefit to other movements.

Coordination is the difference between a movement looking effortless and a movement simply not working. When learning a new skill that requires a high degree of coordination you will feel like the strength required is immense, and that the skill may be impossible to obtain. Once the skill is well learned you will wonder why it was ever difficult. Many of our gymnastics elements are this way. Discipline is required to work to a point of competency but the rewards are well worth it.