How To Talk About CrossFit Marin

I’ve been asked a few times how to tell people about CrossFit Marin. We know how enthusiastic we all can get about the program and what it has done for us. Unfortunately often it is difficult to express what it is or how it works.

Generally the best thing to do is just tell your friends what it has done for you. Tell them it is a great workout, a lot of fun, and yields unprecedented results. Most of them are already aware of the results to some degree because they can see it in you. It may be that you are leaner, or generally look more fit, or it may be the way you carry yourself now. Either way, the changes are noticeable. Using that as a starting point give them a little information about the workouts. The fact that it is different every day and that it is a lot of fun. Then encourage them to come in and check it out. Remember that we have a free workout every Saturday at 10:00am for folks to come and try it out. If they want to come by to observe a class at other times that is fine as well.

Understand that most people when first exposed to our workouts, either through seeing a workout, or just having it explained to them will question your sanity. A lot of people will not feel equipped to even get started training like we do. We often get the response “I need to get in shape before I join your gym”. As you all know this couldn’t be further from the truth, but the perception will be there. So tell them about scaling and that anyone can get started at any time. It only takes a little while for people to see dramatic results so even our newer members already hit the workouts hard enough to intimidate new comers.

You can also reference the online materials:

What is CrossFit: is a good start.

Just keep coming in and improving your level of fitness. Talk about it when it comes up, and as your fitness improves more people will ask what you are doing. Just be honest and speak from your own experience. Invite them to come. We’d love to see all of your friends see the results you have.