WOD 11.3.17

Your CrossFit Marin workout of the day is: A. Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 B. For time: 30 Back Squat 60/40KG 20 Pull Up 10 Shoulder to Overhead 60/40KG 30 Front Squat 45/30KG 20 Pull Up 10 Shoulder to Overhead 45/30KG 30 Overhead…

WOD 11.2.17

Your CrossFit Marin workout of the day is: A. Work up to a heavy 50FT Back Rack Carry B. As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes: 50 Double Unders 100M Dumbbell Farmers Carry 50/35LB

WOD 11.1.17

Your CrossFit Marin workout of the day is: A. Strict Handstand Push Up 3 x Max Rep Strict Ring Row 3 x Max Rep B. 8 rounds for max reps: With a 1 minute clock: 8 Dumbbell Snatch 70/50LB 6 Burpee Lateral Box Jump Over 24/20” Max…