One Bite At A Time
UncategorizedRoger and I talk about nutrition all the time. And for good reason! What you eat directly affects what you can do, how well you recover and how well your body makes gains. It’s also the hardest part of fitness. Let me say that again, it’s…
Thanksgiving Feasting
UncategorizedI was not aware that Nick was going to be doing a nutrition post yesterday, but it is timed extremely well for this post to be a follow up. We’re going to talk about approaching the copious volumes of available food over the next few days…
Flying Kettlebells?
UncategorizedThink for a minute about the human resources available at CFM. This crazy little gym really packs it in. It’s a little gold mine of talent. Among these star trainers we have a kid who’s barely not a teenager any more named Ben Herwitz. …
How To Talk About CrossFit Marin
UncategorizedI’ve been asked a few times how to tell people about CrossFit Marin. We know how enthusiastic we all can get about the program and what it has done for us. Unfortunately often it is difficult to express what it is or how it works.
UncategorizedPower is the ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to deliver maximum force in minimum time. This is what we chase in our workouts. Power requires both training and practice. Strength without coordination does not yield…
UncategorizedSpeed is the ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement . The ninth detail post on the 10 General Physical Skills. Speed is the first of the skills that requires both training and practice. You can train quite a lot, develop…
UncategorizedCoordination is the eighth physical skill we are detailing. Coordination is the ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement. One who is highly coordinated will be more efficient in all movement because…
Have You Practiced Your Handstand Today?
GymnasticsHandstands are predominantly about practice. There is a lot to the technique, proper positions, weight distribution, etc. Regardless of the technical aspects of handstands the main thing you need to do to improve your handstand is practice it…
"Thanks To CrossFit Marin"
CrossFitCourtesy of Emily Cookson. An ode to CrossFit Marin. To the tune of "My Favorite Things"
Jumping on boxes and using the rower,
Doing a pushup and hearing “go lower”,
Bear crawl on pavement that scuffs up my skin
All this I love thanks…
Grip Strength and the Hangboard
CrossFitYou can’t lift or pull off of what you can’t hold on to. That is why you have to make sure you train your grip strength. Grip strength is extremly important and it makes me laugh inside when I hear an athlete lay blame for their less-than-expected…