Work Out of the Day for Crossfit.

WOD 12.29.24

A. Super Set Skill Work Alternating EMOM x 10 Minutes (10 Rounds) Min 1 | 1/1 Turkish Get-up Min 2 | :30s Handstand Hold A. For Max Calories EMOM 5: :35 Max Calorie Any Machine EMOM 5: :40 Max Calorie Any Machine EMOM…

WOD 12.28.24

A. For Load EMOM x 8 Minutes (8 Rounds) 1 Deadlift B. For Rounds and Reps 8 Minute AMRAP 2 Wall Walk 2 Deadlift 143/93  

WOD 12.27.24

A. Alternating EMOM x 8 Minutes (8 Rounds) RX: Minute 1 | 4-6 Bar Muscle-up Minute 2 | :30s Hollow Hold Intermediate Minute 1 | 5-7 Box Bar Muscle Ups, Kipping Chest to Bar Pull-ups, or Kipping Pull-ups Minute 2 | : :30s Hollow…

WOD 12.26.24

A. For Load Back Rack Lunge 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 B. For Time 2 Rounds 50 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 50/35# 50 Wall Ball 20/14#, 10/9'  

WOD 12.24.24

Reminder - Morning Classes Only (5:15, 6:15, 7:15, 9:00, 10:00AM) A. For Load and Quality 5 Rounds 100' Double KB or DB Farmer Carry 100' Double KB or DB Overhead Carry 1:00 Heavy Object Hold At Chest – Rest 2:00 between…

WOD 12.23.24

A..For Rounds and Reps CrossFit Games Open 23.1 14 Minute AMRAP 60 Calorie Row 50 Toes-to-Bar 40 Wall Ball 20/14#, 10/9' 30 Clean 61/43 20 Muscle Up – December 21, 2023 B. Accessory Finisher Alternating EMOM…

WOD 12.18.24

A. For Load Back Rack Lunge 4-4-4-4-4+ – Max Reps Last Set B. For Time 3 Rounds 20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 5035# 10 Overhead Squat 43/29 5 Wall Walks  

WOD 12.17.24

A. For Load Super Set Tempo Bench Press 20X1 @ 60% 1RM 5-5-5-5-5 Alternating Dual Kettlebell Gorilla Row 10-10-10-10-10 B. For Time At 0:00 Mark, Perform... 2 Rounds 15/12 Calorie Row 12 Clean and Jerks 43/29 Rest…

WOD 12.16.24

A. Skill Work Every 1:30 x 9:00 (6 Rounds) RX: 5 Bar Muscle-up + 1 Dip At Top After Bar Muscle-up Intermediate: 5 Pull-up + 5 Push-up Foundations: 10 Ring Row + 5 Push-up B. For Time At 0:00 Mark, Perform... 3…

WOD 12.15.24

A. For TIme "Christine: 3 Rounds 500M/400M Row 12 Deadlift @ Bodyweight 21 box jumps 20" – Compare to June 28, 2023 B. Skill Work For Load and Quality 50 Dumbbell Renegade Row