WOD 4.20.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Superset
Stiff Legged Deadlift
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
B. For time:
800M Run
1000M Row
800M Run
WOD 4.19.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Superset
Back Squat
False Grip Pull Up
B. For time:
21-15-9 reps of:
Hang Squat Clean 52/35KG
Ring Row
WOD 4.18.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Superset
Weighted Dip
GHD Sit-Up
B. As many rounds as possible in 14 minutes:
100M Run
10 Box Jump 24/20”
5 Handstand Push Up
Wear a 20LB weight …
KNO 4.28.18
Events, KNOWant a date night?
Drop your child off with us at The Cave for dinner, recreational gym play, movies, and more!
Saturday, April 28th, is Glow in the Dark Night.
If you (or a friend) haven't already done so, fill out our new member registration…
WOD 4.17.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Superset
Strict Chin Up
B. For time:
50 Air Squat
30 Pull Up
50 Air Squat
20 Chest to Bar Pull Up
50 Air Squat
5 Rope Climb
WOD 4.16.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Wide Grip Behind the Neck Split Jerk
B. 4 rounds for time:
50 Double Under
10 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean 50/35LB
10 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead 50/35LB
WOD 4.15.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Superset
Bench Press
Back Extension
B. For time:
400M Run
21 Pull Up
200M Run
15 Pull Up
100M Run
9 Pull Up
WOD 4.14.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Front Squat
B. Death By:
Thruster 43/30KG
In the first minute perform 1 Thruster,
In the second minute perform 2 Thruster,
continue adding 1 Thruster each minute until you…
WOD 4.13.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Gymnastics Tests
Max Rep Unbroken Kipping Pull Up
Max Rep Unbroken Push Up
Max Plank Hold
Rest as needed between movements.
B. Every 2 minutes for as long as possible:
WOD 4.12.18
WODYour CrossFit Marin workout of the day is:
A. Superset
Weighted Lunge
Skin the Cat
B. Tabata
Box Jump 24/20”
Russian Kettlebell Swing 2/1.5P