WOD 9.1.20

A. Superset: Shoulder Press 2-2-2-2-2 Straight Body Lift 2-2-2-2-2 B. 5 rounds for max reps: In 90 seconds, perform: 10 Dumbbell Front Squat 70/50LB 15 V-Up Max Cal Row Rest 90 seconds between rounds. …

WOD 8.31.20

A. Snatch Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 B. For time: 800M Run 50 Dumbbell Snatch 70/50LB 800M Run

WOD 8.30.20

A. Every 90 seconds for 6 rounds: 1 Pause Split Jerk 1 Split Jerk Pause 2 seconds in the dip and 2 seconds in the catch B. As many rounds as possible in 9 minutes: 1 "Macho Man" Complex 70/49KG 30 Double Unders 1 Macho…

WOD 8.29.20

A. 4 rounds for quality: 5 Box HSPU 10 Single Leg Romanian Deadlift, each 10 Single Arm Bent Row, each B. 8 rounds for max reps: In 1 minute, perform: 4 Devils Press 50/35LB Max Rep Burpee Lateral Box Jump Over 24/20" Rest…

Half Day Camp!

Session 2 for Half Day Camp is just around the corner: September 14th - October 2nd! Days: Monday through Friday. Start Time: Sep 14, 2020 8:00 AM End Time: Oct 2, 2020 12:00 PM What to expect: Structure time to work on their…

WOD 8.28.20

A. Work up to a heavy complex 1 Snatch 1 Snatch Balance 1 Overhead Squat B. As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 6 V-Up 6 Push Up 6 Overhead Squat 20/15KG

WOD 8.27.20

A. In 15 minutes, establish a heavy Clean & Jerk, Double B. For time: 100 Box Jump Over 24/20" 50 Dumbbell Box Step Up 50/35LB 30 Power Clean & Jerk 61/43KG 17 minute time cap.

WOD 8.26.20

A. Establish 1 Rep Max Turkish Get Up, each arm B. 3 rounds for max reps: 1 Minute Kettlebell Snatch 1.5/1P 1 Minute Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull 1.5/1P 1 Minute Row for Calories 1 Minute Rest

WOD 8.25.20

A. Every minute for 8 minutes: 3 Hang Squat Snatch Perform at 70% 1RM Squat Snatch. B. As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes: 2 Med Ball Clean 14/20LB 2 Med Ball Burpee 2 Med Ball Sit Up 4 Med Ball Clean 4 Med Ball…

WOD 8.24.20

A. Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 B. 3 rounds for time: 400M Run 20 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean 20 Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Press Perform with a pair of 50/35LB Dumbbells.