WOD 7.31.19
A. "Filthy Fifty"
For time:
50 Box Jump 24/20"
50 Jumping Pull Up
50 Kettlebell Swing 1/.75P
50 Lunge
50 Knees to Elbow
50 Push Press 20/15KG
50 Hip Extension
50 Wall Ball
50 Burpee
50 Double Under
WOD 7.30.19
A. Superset
Front Squat
Dumbbell Bench Press
B. 4 rounds for time:
15 Dumbbell Thruster 50/35LB
400M Run
WOD 7.29.19
A. Establish 1RM Snatch
B. 5 rounds for time:
10 Power Snatch 50/35KG
10 Box Jump Over 30/24"
Summer Schedule
EventsNote that Parkour Summer Special and Summer Hold at The Cave begin Saturday, June 15 and run through Wednesday, August 14.
Parkour Summer Special is replacing regular schedule until August 14.
Schedule and details can be found online…
WOD 7.28.19
A. Work up to a heavy
20M Tire Sled Drag
B. For time:
80 Double Under
40 Wall Ball 25/20LB, 10/9FT
60 Double Under
30 Wall Ball
40 Double Under
20 Wall Ball
20 Double Under
10 Wall Ball
WOD 7.27.19
A. Deadlift
B. For time:
30 Muscle Up
Every break in set is a 200M Run.
30 Pull Up
30 Toes to Bar
30 Ring Dip
Every break in set is a 200M Run.
15 min time cap.
WOD 7.26.19
A. Work up to a heavy complex
2 Hang Clean Pull
1 Hang Squat Clean
B. CrossFit Games Regionals 12.2
For time:
2000M Row
50 Pistols
30 Hang Clean 102/61KG
17 minute time cap.
WOD 7.25.19
A. Split Jerk
B. As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes:
5 Box Jump 30/24"
1 Push Jerk 70/48KG
5 Box Jump
2 Push Jerk
5 Box Jump
3 Push Jerk
5 Box Jump
4 Push Jerk
Continue adding 1 rep to Push Jerk…
WOD 7.24.19
A. Superset
Bench Press
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
8-8-8-8-8 Each Leg
B. For time:
150 Double Under
800M Run
1000M Row
KNO 7.27.19
KNOWant a date night?
Drop your child off with us at The Cave for dinner, recreational gym play, movies, and more!
Saturday, July 27th, is Glow In The Dark Night.
If you (or a friend) haven't already done so, fill out our new member registration…