WOD 11.22.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Super Set
Kettlebell Rack Elevated Split Squat 30X1
5-5-5-5-5 / leg
Kettlebell Goblet Cyclist Squat 2020
B. "Not Quite Cindy, But Kinda"
20 Minute AMARP
5 Bar Muscle Up
10 Plyo Push Up
16 Alternating…
WOD 11.21.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Deadlift Wave Part 2
Every 2 Minutes Perform
5 Reps @ 83%
4 Reps @ 85%
3 Rep @ 87%
5 Reps @ 85%
4 Reps @ 87%
3 Rep @ 89%
Athletes will be provided 8-10 minutes of warm up to work their way up to the start of their 83%…
14th Annual Epic Bridge Run
You're welcomed to the 14th Annual Epic Bridge Run with The Cave!
Start off the New Year right by performing a series of challenging workouts on both sides of the Golden Gate Bridge. This is the 14th Annual Epic Bridge Run, and like the…
WOD 11.20.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Super Set
Tempo Back Squat 2101
Strict Ring Dip
5 x Max Effort Reps
B. For Time
8 Rounds
250M Row
10 Single Arm Devil Press (5/side) 50/35#
WOD 11.19.22
CrossFit, WODTribute Workout + Partner WOD
Eva Strong
5 Rounds For Time
24 Double Under (each athlete)
19 Toes-to-Bar (split with partner)
2 Clean & Jerk 93/61 (split with partner)
400M Run (together)
With a running clock, complete 5 rounds…
WOD 11.18.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Super Set
Snatch Balance + Heaving Snatch Balance
Skill Work
Ring Muscle-up Prep + Progessions
B. "Amanda .45"
Ring Muscle-up
Squat Snatch 61/43
Time Cap:
13 Minutes Males
15 Minutes Females
WOD 11.17.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Deadlift Wave Part 1
Every 2 Minutes Perform
5 Reps @ 80%
4 Reps @ 83%
3 Rep @ 85%
5 Reps @ 83%
4 Reps @ 85%
3 Rep @ 87%
Athletes will be provided 8-10 minutes of warm up to work their way up to the start of their 80%…
WOD 11.16.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Super Set
Alternating Every 1:30 For 8 Rounds
Odd Rounds: 5 Bottom Up Front Squat
Even Rounds: 3 Tempo Strict Ring Pull-up (Strict or False Grip) 20X1
B. For Time
Calorie Row
Front Squat* 61/43
WOD 11.15.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Super Set
Turkish Get Up
1-1-1-1-1 / arm
Skill Work
Kettlebell Cleans, Jerks
Handstand Push-up Prep
B. For Time
Double Kettlebell Cleans 1.5/1P
Handstand Push Up
Rest 5 minutes
Double Kettlebell…
WOD 11.14.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. 7 Rounds, Every 2 Minutes
Tempo Overhead Squat 2101
B. "Nancy"
5 Rounds
400M Run
15 Overhead Squat 43/30
Compare to March 3, 2022