WOD 12.1.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Deadlift Wave Part 3
Every 2 Minutes Perform
5 Reps @ 85%
4 Reps @ 87%
3 Rep @ 89%
5 Reps @ 87%
4 Reps @ 89%
3 Rep @ 91%
Athletes will be provided 8-10 minutes of warm up to work their way up to the start of their 85%…

WOD 11.30.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Snatch Complex
1 Power Snatch + 2 Overhead Squat
B. 4 Rounds For Time
10 Dumbbell Snatch Left Arm
10 Dumbell Snatch Right Arm
10 Renegade Row Left Arm
10 Renegade Row Right Arm
Perform With A 50/35# DumbbellB.…

WOD 11.29.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Every 2 Minutes for 7 Rounds
Bench Press
B. For Time
40-30-20-10 Reps/Calories
Wall Ball 20/14#; 10/9'
Row (40-30-20-10 Men / 30-22-15-7 Women)

WOD 11.28.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Super Set
Back Squat 3301
Weighted GHD Sit Up
B. For Time
800 Meter Run
3 Rope Climb
12 Power Clean 61/43
400 Meter Run
2 Rope Climb
6 Power Clean 61/43

WOD 11.27.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Build To A Heavy Single Thruster
B. For Time
3 Rounds
400 Meter Run
10 Burpee To Box Jump 24/20"
10 Devil Press 50/35

WOD 11.26.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Super Set
5 x 100 Ft. Carries: Athletes choice on style, equipment, and weight
Weighted Pull-up
Skill Work: Jump Rope
B. 4 Rounds For Time
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-up
25 Wall Ball 20/14#, 10/9'
50 Double…

WOD 11.25.22
CrossFit, WOD
A1. "Repentance"
3 rounds for time:
400M Run
10 Squat Clean 35/25KG
10 Ring Dip
A2. "Atonement"
3 rounds of time:
600M Run
20 Squat Clean 40/27KG
20 Ring Dip
A3. "Redemption"
3 rounds for time:
800M Run

WOD 11.24.22
CrossFit, WODTeams of 2
30 Rounds For Time
3 Bar Facing Burpee
3 Deadlift 101/70
3 Minute Rest
20 Rounds For Time
3 Bar Facing Burpee
3 Clean and Jerk 61/43
3 Minute Rest
10 Rounds For Time
3 Bar Facing Burpee
3 Snatch 61/43

WOD 11.23.22
CrossFit, WOD
A. Super Set
Alternating Kettlebell Bench Press
Banded Yates Row
B. Every 3 Minutes For 6 Rounds
15 Kettlebell RDL
10 Single Arm Kettlebell Clean R/L
5 Single ARM Kettlebell Push Press…

Winter Break Combo Camp
EventsCombo camps teach foundational aspects of both gymnastics and parkour, offering participants a chance to explore new skills and movements. Winter Break Camp runs from December 26 - December 30th. The age range for our Combo camps is 4-10, and…