WOD 10.1.23

A. For Load and Quality 4 Rounds 50M DB Single Arm Suitcase Carry, left arm 50M DB Single Arm Suitcase Carry, right arm 50M DB Single Arm Overhead Carry, left arm 50M DB Single Arm Overhead Carry, right arm B. As many rounds…

WOD 9.30.23

Partner Workout In Teams Of 2: 100 Wall Ball 20/14, 10/9 80 Calorie Row 60 Dumbbell Snatch 50/35# 40 Sychronized Burpee 60 Dumbbell Snatch 50/35# 80 Calorie Row 100 Wall Ball 20/14, 10/9  

Congratulations Women's Gymnastics Team!

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Here are the highlights from The Flipping Over The Valley Invitational Meet that happened in Napa from September 15-17, 2023. Our Compulsory Level 3s and 4s had an outstanding first meet, with lots of firsts and state qualifiers! Please see…

WOD 9.29.23

A. Super Set Deadlift 5-5-5 5 @ 65% 5 @ 70% 5 @ 75% Skill Work Pistol Squat Practice B. For Time 400M Run 75 Double Unders -- then -- 20 Deadlifts 61/43KG 20 Chest-to-bar Pull-up 20 Burpee 20 Back Squats…

WOD 9.28.23

A. Super Set Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk Complex 1-1-1-1-1 Skill Work Handstand Push-up Prep and Progression Rope Climb Prep and Progression B. For Time 3 Rounds 500M Row 10 Handstand Push-up 2 Rope Climb 15…

WOD 9.27.23

A. Every 1:15 x 8 Rounds Clean Complex 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean B. For Time 20-16-12 Reps Of: Dumbbell Box Step-up 50/35#, 24/20" Dumbbell Push Press 50/35# Elevated Ring Row 12 Minute Time Cap …

WOD 9.26.23

A. Every 1:15 x 8 Rounds Clean Complex 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean B. For Time 20-16-12 Reps Of: Dumbbell Box Step-up 50/35#, 24/20" Dumbbell Push Press 50/35# Elevated Ring Row 12 Minute Time Cap …

WOD 9.25.23

A. Every 1:30 x 8 Rounds Snatch Complex (1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Low Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch) 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Set 1-2: 65% Set: 3-4: 70% Set 5-8 75% B. 3 rounds for time: 400M Run 15 Hang Power Snatch 52/34KG 10…

WOD 9.24.23

A. Every 1:30 x 8 Rounds 5 Single Arm Kettlebell Suitcase Row 5 Single Arm Kettlebell High Pull 5 Single Arm Russian Kettlebell Swing Alternate Arms Each Round Rounds 1, 3, 5, 7 - Right Arm Rounds 2, 4, 6, 8 - Left Arm B.…

WOD 9.23.23

"Artie" 20 Minutes AMRAP 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats 5 Pull-ups 10 Thrusters 43/30 Police Officer Arthur “Artie” Lopez, 29, of Babylon Village, New York, was killed in the line of duty on Oct. 23, 2012. Officer Lopez,…