WOD 4.21.20

A. 5 rounds for max reps: 30 Seconds Handstand Wall Walk Up 30 Seconds Rest 30 Seconds Ground to Shoulder 30 Seconds Rest 30 Seconds Weighted Squat Hold 30 Seconds Rest B. "Support Your Local Box - Workout 3" For time: 50…

WOD 4.20.20

A. 6 rounds for max reps: In 40 seconds, perform: 10 V-Up Max Rep Plank Pull Through Rest 20 seconds. In 40 seconds, perform: 10 Single Leg Weighted Glute Bridge Max Rep Arch Rock Rest 20 seconds. B. For time: 100…

WOD 4.19.20

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 40 Air Squat 20 Push Up 10 Candlestick Roll Up At the top of every 2 minutes, including the first, perform 40 Double Unders or Lateral Hop.

WOD 4.18.20

A. As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 10 Box Jump 15 Abmat Sit Up 20 Single Arm Russian Kettlebell Swing B. 4 rounds for quality: 10 Pistol, Right 10 Single Arm Sots Press, Right 10 Single Arm Bent Row, Right 10…

WOD 4.17.20

A. Tabata Hollow Rock Side Plank, Right Arch Rock Side Plank, Left 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Rotate through each movement until you have done 8 rounds of each movement. B. 7 rounds for time: 14 Dumbbell Deadlift 14…

WOD 4.16.20

A. For time: 50 Jumping Squat 30 Complex: 1 Power Clean 2 Front Rack Lunge 50 Jumping Squat B. Death By 2 Burpee On the first minute perform 2 Burpee, on the second minute perform 4 Burpee. Continue adding 2 reps each…

WOD 4.15.20

A. 5 rounds for quality: 3 Turkish Get Up, each side 10 Single Leg Romanian Deadlift, each side 10 Single Arm Bent Row, each side B. For time: 10-20-30-20-10 reps of: Dumbbell Snatch, alternating Hand Release Push Up …

WOD 4.14.20

A. "Support Your Local Box - Workout 2" For time: 100 Double Under Or 50 Lateral Jump 21 Burpee 75 Double Under Or 35 Lateral Jump 15 Burpee 50 Double Under Or 25 Lateral Jump 9 Burpee B. 5 rounds for quality: 30…

WOD 4.13.20

A. Every minute for 15 minutes: First Minute: 20 Sec L-Sit Second Minute: 5 Devils Press Third Minute: 30 Sec Handstand Hold B. For time: 50 Box Jump 24/20" or Broad Jump 4/3FT 50 Deadlift 50 Bent Row 50FT Handstand Walk Or…

WOD 4.12.20

A. Tabata Weighted Squat Hold Single Arm Plank, alternating Weighted Lunge Hold, alternating Straddle Side Plank, alternating 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Perform 8 rounds of each movement before moving onto the next. B.…